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Attachment: Caregiver-Infant interactions.
Reciprocity - A description of how two people interact. Mother-infant interaction is reciprocal in that both infant and mother respond to...
Attachment: Role of the Father
ATTACHMENT FIGURES Grossman (2002) carried out a longitudinal study, looking at both parent’s behaviour and its relationships to the...
Attachment: Learning theory explanations
Attachment – Behaviourism Behaviourism can be used to explain attachment, using its two theories of classical and operant conditioning....
Attachment: Schaffer and Emerson (1964)
Stages of attachment. Schaffer & Emerson (1964) conducted an experiment to investigate the age at which specific attachments developed,...

Harlow - Animal Studies.
AO1 Animals studies are experiments carried out on animals instead of humans, this can be because its unethical to test on humans, it's...
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