Biopsychology - Neurons and synapatic transmission.
Neurons and synapse
Neurons: They are the basic building blocks that form the nervous system (80% located in the brain). 3 main neurons; sensory, relay and motor. The sensory neuron carries information from the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system, caries signals towards the brain. Relay neurons connects sensory neurons and motor neurons together. Motor neurons connect to effectors, such as muscles and glands, carries signals away from the brain.
Each neuron consists of dendrites, an axon, a cell body with nucleus, nodes of Ranvier the gaps between myelin sheath (except the relay neuron) and terminal buttons/synaptic terminal.

The synapse is the gap between the terminal buttons of the neuron passing on the signal and the dendrites of the next neuron. Synapses are used to pass on neurotransmitters (molecules that neurons use to communicate).
2 types of neurotransmitters are:
Inhibition- calms the brain, this includes glycine
Excitation- excites the brain, this includes serotonin
Dopamine: A neurotransmitter which is released when we experience reward and pleasurable activities (food, exercise, hobbies). It's excitatory. Too much Dopamine and Adrenaline can lead to Insomnia or Schizophrenia because they overstimulate the brain.