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Memory: Encoding, Capacity and Duration
Features of each store – Encoding, duration and capacity The way in which we remember information is shown by the Multi Story model. This...
Approaches: Flight or Fight?
The fight or flight response is the process of an animal or human responding to a physiologically arousing situation, Eg; something that...
Harlow - Animal Studies.
AO1 Animals studies are experiments carried out on animals instead of humans, this can be because its unethical to test on humans, it's...
Memory: Types of LTM
Key Terms Episodic Memory – A long term memory store for personal events. It includes memories of when the events occurred and of the...
Biopsychology - Neurons and synapatic transmission.
Neurons and synapse Neurons: They are the basic building blocks that form the nervous system (80% located in the brain). 3 main neurons;...
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